基因组选择已成为畜禽遗传评估的主流技术,大幅度提高畜禽遗传改良进展。为提高我国动物遗传育种专业研究生和青年教师数量遗传学理论和实践水平,强化基因组选择技术研究和推广应用,特举办本次培训班。邀请山东农业大学张勤教授、威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校Guilherme J. M. Rosa教授和美国美国奶牛育种委员会/威斯康辛大学动物和乳业科学系吴晓林教授进行授课。
开班之前,将于8月10日举办“动物育种前沿技术研讨会”,邀请Jack Dekkers、Guilherme J. M. Rosa、David Casey、张勤、吴晓林、丁向东、赵福平等专家做报告,欢迎学员参加本次研讨会。
联 系 人:何俊 hejun@hunau.edu.cn;高宁 gaon@hunau.edu.cn
Monday, August 12th, AM: Matrix algebra, Linear models, and BLUP —张勤
Monday, August 12th, PM: Matrix algebra, Linear models, and BLUP —张勤
Tuesday, August 13th, AM: Matrix algebra, Linear models, and BLUP—张勤
Tuesday, August 13th, PM: Genomic Selection using mixed models (GBLUP, ssGBLUP) —Rosa
Wednesday, August 14th, AM: R programming for genomic selection —吴晓林
Wednesday, August 14th, PM: Penalized regression (Ridge Regression, Lasso, Elastic Net) —Rosa
Thursday, August 15th, AM: Prime to Bayesian Analysis and MCMC —Rosa
Thursday, August 15th, PM: Genomic Selection using Bayesian Regression—Rosa
Friday, August 16th, AM: Machine learning methods (SVM, Decision Trees, Artificial Neural Network) —Rosa
Friday, August 16th, PM: R programming for genomic selection —吴晓林
Guilherme J. M. Rosa is currently a professor of statistical genomics and livestock data analytics at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA. He teaches undergraduate courses in animal breeding and genetics, and grad level courses in Bayesian MCMC data analysis, graphical models, and quantitative genetics and genomics. Dr. Rosa develops and applies statistical and computational tools for the analysis of livestock data, including beef and dairy cattle, swine, poultry among others. Examples of applications include the analysis of farm-level operational data for optimization of management practices, high-throughput phenotyping techniques for real-time monitoring of individual animals and disease surveillance, as well as quantitative genetics/genomics and breeding. He has over 200 peer-reviewed publications and nine book chapters, and has served as associate editor and reviewer for many journals, such as Animal Genetics, Bioinformatics, Biometrical Journal, Biometrics, BMC Bioinformatics, Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, Genetics, Genetics Research, Genetics Selection Evolution, Heredity, Human Heredity, Journal of Animal Science, Journal of Agricultural Biological and Environmental Statistics, Journal of Dairy Science, Journal of Poultry Science, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society - Series A, Shankia, Physiological Genomics, and Statistical Applications in Genetics and Molecular Biology, among others. Dr. Rosa was the Specialty Chief Editor of Livestock Genomics (specialty section of Frontiers in Genetics), and he is currently the Specialty Chief Editor of Precision Livestock Farming (specialty section of Frontiers in Animal Science).
吴晓林,威斯康辛大学麦迪逊分校动物和乳业科学的客座教授,美国奶牛育种委员会产品开发经理,主要研究方向覆盖分子遗传学、数量遗传学、统计基因组学以及生物信息学等领域。曾担任湖南农业大学动物科技学院的教授(博导)、威斯康辛大学计算遗传科学家、Bayer作物科学公司的首席科学家,以及Neogen公司生物信息和生物统计学主任。在美国多所大学,包括爱荷华州立大学,华盛顿州立大学,爱达荷大学以博士后和访问学者等身份从事科学研究。在Neogen工作期间,主持设计和研发了目前国际上被广泛使用的 GeneSeek Genomic Profiling(GGP)牛和猪系列的SNP芯片,并提出针对于低密度SNP芯片设计的多目标局域优化的策略。已发表论文180余篇和五部专著。目前的工作主要是重新评估美国奶牛的遗传评估方法和产品,特别是对于产奶性能的表型矫正方法和测定误差模型的研究。
(审核:祖智波 何俊 周军铁)
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